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Student Testimonies

Read below to find out more about our students' experience with INTROspective

"My experience with this psychology class has been very fun and interesting. I have learned a lot of things I didn’t have any idea about and this is a topic I would never imagined that would interest me so much. Matilde has been putting so much effort in every class and presentation and she’s making an awesome job teaching everyone and answering our questions."
- Camila Soffia 

"The INTROspective classes have opened a new world for me, Matilde has made them so fun and interesting that I spend most of my week waiting for the class. We learn about different aspects of the brain and how they work together in order to be able to do everything we do. We have learned about many topics, but my favorite so far have been the Memory and learning, and birth order psychology. I look forward to learn more in this amazing class!"
-Sofia Peñón

"La experiencia que me ha dado el programa de neuroscience ha sido gigante. He aprendido demasiadas cosas de las cuales he estado interesado por años y el curso me enseñado cosas súper útiles para la vida."
-Amadeo Leitón

"I am really enjoying this club because not only I am learning about something I am really interested in but also in a really fun and educative way. Matilde is an excellent teacher and really knows her stuff, she always makes sure to have the right information to give us. It is really interesting to learn about the brain and how it affects our thoughts, feelings and action. I am really happy with this club and I’m learning a lot."
-Isabela Salom

"Mi experiencia con este club a sido súper buena!! Las clases nos enseñan un poco de todo, neuroscience, personality traits, memory etc. Es súper chiva poder aprender más sobre el human brain, en especial porque Mati hace que las clases sean súper divertidas e interactivas!"
-Ema Garita

A preview of our guest speaker series:

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